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Corporate environmental responsibility

Effects on the environment

Normally door-drops are conducted by foot or bicycle, which means the carbon footprint is zero and effects on the climate are minimal. In order to circulate the ads to distribution centres, we use small vans. Our distributors keep fit and healthy being on the move whilst doing their job, which means everyone benefits.

Our goal is to constantly minimise climate effects. This, we try to do in as many ways as possible. Here are a few examples:

  • We respect and follow environmental laws
  • We constantly update figures for households per district
  • We target the audience
  • We sort waste and recycle with care
  • We encourage our distributors to drive economically and have follow-up systems in our own vehicles
  • We only use low-emission vehicles in our own transport
  • We drive during off-peak times
  • We drive with fully loaded cars
  • We service our vehicles regularly according to the service plan
  • We regularly do minor servicing, check tire pressure and change fluids etc.
  • We actively follow the development of new legislation

Paper is king of recycling

Finland started recycling paper as early as the 1920s. It is one of the oldest recycled materials in our country. Paper is a renewable resource, recyclable and produced by an industry that cares for the environment, plants more trees than it uses and develops its own production chain, so that the environment is stressed less and less.

Correct data on numbers of households result in less waste

The number of households that accept unaddressed direct mail varies constantly. New residential areas are built all the time while some people go on vacation and leave a sign for no direct mail – the situation is ever changing. We constantly follow all developments. Significant changes are reported back to our clients, so that they never print too much. In this way there is less waste for our clients, the environment and us.

Corporate social responsibility

Values form our foundation

We work in a reliable, transparent and goal-orientated manner with all our clients, partners and personnel.

The services we offer employ a large number of people. The distribution of papers, ads and notifications is part of a production chain, involving professionals working within several industries, such as the forest, graphic design, logistics and recycling industry. The entire production chain employs directly thousands of Finnish people.

Our personnel responsibility is based on our company values, responsibility, trust and flexibility.

The SSM-chain offers young people and adults that wish to enter the labour market, an independent part-time job, close to the home. Together with us, you will gain work experience and evidence of independently executed work. This offers young people in particular, a way to become more independent, take responsibility and gain experiences they can use when applying for a job in the future. In addition to young people and adults, we also welcome active pensioners to join us. A light part-time distribution job is also perfect for immigrants and exchange students, who wish to become familiar with the Finnish labour market. Our distributors are a main resource and they are the single most important part of our production chain. We appreciate a professional attitude and problem solving capabilities. Please read more about the jobs we have to offer on www.lisaduuni.fi

As a way of showing that we care about the society we support various charities each year. Our latest charity achievements have been to support the new children’s hospital and national projects for Save the Children.

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