Age requirement: | Turns at least 14 years |
Time span: | On average 2–4 hours/distribution |
Working days: | Wednesday |
Distribution area: | Close to home, always the same area |
Use of car: | Depending on the area (usually not necessary) |
Salary: | Piecework salary, depending on the area ca. 30–200 €/month |
Home area runner
Home area runner’s work requires briskness and a sense of responsibility. Runner must be able to handle the distribution work independently. Employees must turn at least 14 during the year they start distribution work.

Apply to become a distributor!
Fill out the job application here.
You will get detailed information about the job from your local Suomen Suoramainonta-chain distribution company. Contact information.
Distribution days
There is work once week, on Wednesdays. If you are interested in working more often, it is possible to do sorting work for Wednesday’s distribution already partly on Tuesday. This way you will be able to finish for example two distribution areas.
Distribution area
We aim to select your distribution area as close to your home as possible. The area consists of 100–500 households, the average being ca. 250 households.
Runner is given a distribution cart and/or -bag to be used free of charge. The tools significantly help the execution of the distribution.
Sorting of advertisements and city papers
Advertisements are delivered to runners in bundles. The sorting of the distributed advertisements is an essential part of the distribution work. There might be 5–15 different advertisements in the same distribution. Sorting often takes as much time as the distribution itself. Sorting might feel difficult at first, but you will soon learn to handle the products quickly.
Distributing advertisements requires diligence and sustainability. It takes usually 1–2 hours to finish the distribution, depending on the area. First distribution takes usually a bit longer.
Salary is based on the size of the distribution area and the number of distributed products. We pay mileage to car area runners for using their own car.
Working certificate – a passport to new challenges
Distribution work is independent, responsible and physically demanding. You will gain self-confidence and experience to utilize in future jobs. As you apply for your next job, you can show that you have successfully executed an independent, responsible and sometimes burdensome task!